Cut the perfect slice of cake every time

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Do you fear the time to cut the cake up to serve to your guests? Does it end up in a sticky mess? Want to know how to cut the perfect slice of cake every time?

The happy birthday song has just been sung, and the candles have blown out. Now its time to cut the cake up, and it is all up to you! How will you cut the cake up without making a complete mess? Last time you cut the cake, it all stuck to the knife, and it was impossible to cut more than five slices. Does this sound familiar? Want to know what’s the best way to cut a cake?

I will share some tips and tricks to have the best looking cut slice of cake each cut you do.

The equipment you need:

  • Serrated knife (bread knife),
  • Tall jug filled with hot water(keep this away from children!),
  • Chopping board,
  • paper towel/serviettes/tea towel you don’t mind getting messy.

How to set up the work area

This would work for a right-handed person (if you are left-handed do a mirror image of this set up)

  1. Have in front of you: the cake- just to the left.
  2. The chopping board- in front of you.
  3. The jug with hot water in the middle/ or at the back of the counter, so little hands can’t touch.
  4. And to the right of you-  a pile plates(or serviettes) and utensils for serving the cake.
  5. Have the towel(paper towel or tea towel) near the jug or chopping board.

The steps

Choose the method of a style of how you will cut the cake (if you are not sure, check my post here about the different methods of cutting a cake). For example the little square method (this would be a right choice for serving at a party)

Tip 1: when using a serrated knife, use a sawing action to cut through the cake, instead of pushing downwards with the knife. Let the blade do all the hard work.

Tip 2: Before cutting the cake, dip the serrated knife into the hot water and wipe off the water with the towel leaving a dry, hot knife. This is the secret to having a clean cut each time for every slice!

  1. Dip the serrated knife into the hot water then wipe the water off with the towel
  2. To make a start, using the serrated knife slice a straight line approx 2.5cm (1cicnh) in from the edge of the cake.
  3. Place the cut piece onto the chopping board, flat side down after the cut remember to dip the knife into the hot water and to wipe the water off with a towel.
  4. Cut fingers slices of 2.5cm (1inch), this is the suggested size, but you can cut larger pieces if you like or for the people who want more cake can come back for a second piece if they like. (when cutting the fingers you may not need to dip the knife into the water each time but this will depend on the cake)
  5. Serve the pieces of cake onto the plates (or serviettes)
  6. The next cut (remember to dip the knife into the hot water and wipe clean) cut a 2.5cm (1inch) slice and bring the chopping board close, so the cake falls it will fall onto the chopping board after the cut. Remember to put the knife into the hot water and dry it.
  7. Then cut the slice into 2.5cm (1inch) fingers and serve onto plates.  (remember to dip the knife in hot water)
  8. Repeat the steps 6 and 7 till either the cake is all cut up or everyone has a piece of cake, and not more pieces are needed to be cut.

Congratulations you have successfully completed the best cut slices of a birthday cake!

Need a visual? Check out Katherine Sabbath video in how she uses this technique

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